Increasing Leads & Traffic for an
Incredibly Niche Audience

The Brief

Targeting a Niche Audience

Club Connect provide consumers with a convenient solution for community sporting clubs without existing beverage sponsorships. By purchasing their packaged beverages from a single location, clubs can streamline their purchasing process and enjoy free delivery directly to their club with additional benefits included.

Murmur Group were briefed by Club Connect to encourage community sports administrators who are within 150km of CBD’s to sign up to the club connect platform. 

The Challenge

Leveraging Digital Advertising

The challenge came about to find and target an incredibly niche audience of sport club administrators via digital advertising with the goal of driving them to site.  

1.  Get 100 sports administrators to sign up to the platform. 

2.  Increase purchase rates from existing customers.

Our Solution

Two Pronged Approach

Due to Club Connect’s Uber specific audience, and the realisation that even with super specific targeting, we would capture those not within the target group, we knew screening of leads and traffic would be critical. 

There was a two pronged approach to screening deployed in the campaign: 

1.  The Planning Phase

By selecting ad units that were highly likely to screen our engaged audience before they came to site (such as meta lead generation ads with screener questions)

2.  Implementing Early Learnings

Early learnings showed high drop off rates on site. Implementing a landing page with a gated screening question and easy link sharing tool prompting screened users to “pass us to the right person”.

In conjunction with the screening techniques, we leveraged detailed platform targeting to get as close to the audience as possible. For example: 

  • Sport club coaches, community page admins, and parents with team sports interest via Meta & Google discovery campaigns.
  • Contextual keyword targeting via our programmatic partner, StackAdapt based on search history targeting people looking for “community sports grants”, “sport club jerseys”, “local sports team” etc.

To tie it all together, we opted to run video engagement objectives to a broad, TOF audience first, looking for those who watched at least 50% of our educational videos. By re-marketing to this MOF group with traffic objective ad units, we hoped to increase the likelihood of reaching the correct people. 

The Results

Record Breaking Results

221 total leads were generated via this campaign, with 40% of total traffic stemming from paid media activities. Total successful sign ups totalled 163 and 63% above target. 

Increase in organic traffic above and beyond paid media
1 %
Increase in purchases during campaign period
50 %
Increase in total logins versus prior period
50 %
Increase in add to carts over campaign period
170 %

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Leveraging Digital Advertising