Boosting Brand Awareness of an Award-Winning Craft Beer

The Brief

Mass Awareness in Australia

Capital Brewing Co briefed Murmur on a brand awareness campaign that would boost and increase their Award-Winning tropical craft beer in Australia. 

The objective of this campaign would be to drive mass awareness of Capital’s craft beer XPA and then further leverage that awareness to drive ongoing purchases and engagement.

The Challenge

Three Main Obstacles

XPA is one of Capital Brewing Co’s leading beers – its tagline is “The Beer That Sells Itself”.  However in a highly competitive market, the XPA campaign had 3 main challenges:

1. How could Murmur increase brand awareness of XPA across its key target market of craft beer fans.

2.  The goal was for XPA to get the number one product position in Capital’s rich variety of product offers and sell over 500,000 litres by FY2023.

3.  We needed to utilise momentum gained by the XPA campaign to Boost Capital Brewing Co’s other efforts including voting for GABS Hottest Craft Beer 100 2022.

Our Solution

Leveraging Multiple Platforms

The XPA awareness campaign ran for a full 3 months from October to December 2022. Initially, Murmur ran awareness campaigns on three different platforms: Meta, Youtube, and StackAdapt.

Meta – Through the Meta platform we opted for reserved buys on the platform to reach Capital’s specific target audience.

YouTube – YouTube allowed us to target CTV (connected TV) and other devices (mobile, desktop, and tablet).

StackAdapt – StackAdapt is a digital advertising platform that we integrated throughout this campaign to use contextual keywords for craft beer and XPA products.

From November to December, Murmur created an e-commerce campaign on PMax and Meta.

We were able to use the learnings from the awareness campaigns and apply them to e-commerce. 

For Meta, we utilised lookalike audiences of past purchasers, XPA video viewers, and website visitors. 

For PMAx, we also used past buyers, repeat purchasers, and craft beer keywords.

We were then able to leverage the awareness gained from to drive ongoing sales of XPA.

The Results

Awareness Achieved for Capital

Between October & December, Capital’s weekly average XPA web visits have risen by as much as 11x compared to what was before paid activity has started.

Web visits came from Social
30 %
Web visits came from Organic Search Users
14 %
Unique page views to the XPA page
Cheaper CPM
20 %

The majority of the XPA sales directly attributed to paid activity occurred in the latter half of November to December, when we activated our e-commerce campaigns.

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